Ukrainian railways statistics
Statistical indicator | Value |
Operating length of main roads | 19 790 km, electrified tracks - 9926 km (47.4%), track width - 1520 mm. |
Number of track stations | 1447 units |
Number of railway stations | 106 units |
Number of railway passages | 4198 units |
Freight wagons fleet | 82,5 thousand units (working park - 62,9 thousand units) |
Passenger cars fleet | 4,6 thousand units (working park - 3,1 thousand units) |
Park of locomotives | 2,2 thousand units |
Park of electric locomotives | 1,7 thousand units |
Inventory park of diesel trains | 302 sections |
Number of employees (as of June 30, 2017) | 285,5 thousand units |
Passengers transported in 2016 | 440,9 millions of passengers |
Cargo transported in 2016 | 443, 222 millions of tonnes |
Number of branded passenger trains | 47 units |
* This data does not comprise temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as well as Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone.