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Infrastructure projects

The national program of urban transport of public service

The Ministry of Infrastructure continues its fruitful work with international financial organizations for attraction of funds to finance development projects of urban passenger transport.

Currently, the Ministry of Infrastructure together with the European Investment Bank selected some projects in 10 cities of Ukraine. Total funding of projects is about 160 million Euros.

Also, the Ministry of Infrastructure completes the process of preparing the relevant documents for submitting to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine the project proposals concearning the initiation of the investment project for the development of urban passenger transport.

Information about current infrastructure projects that are conducted within the road transport industry

The Ministry of Infrastructure and SE "DerzhavtotransNDIproekt" pursuant to § 268 of the Action Plan on the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and its Member States, on the other hand, for the years 2014-2017, approved by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17.09.2014 №847; Transport Strategy of Ukraine until 2020, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 20.10.2010 №2174 (the "Priorities of development of road transport"); Sector program to ensure safety in road transport for 2013-2015, approved by the order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of 04.04.2013 №210 (with additions made by the order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of 8.04.2014 №171); Concept of the state target economic development program of road transport for the period until 2015, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 03.08.2011 №732; Program of industry for improvement of the energy efficiency and reduce of energy consumption by budget institutions through their prudent management in the sphere of transport and communications for the period of 2010 - 2014 years, approved by resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Transport 17.09.2009 №18; order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17.05.2012 №397 "Some issues of determining medium-term priorities for innovation of the industry for the period of 2012 - 2016" took measures to create in Ukraine the Research Testing Centre of Advanced Technologies of safe, environmentally friendly and energy efficient road transport together with automobile polygon, complex of testing laboratories and relevant infrastructure and so on. The project is a key to get opportunity for technological research in terms of stepping up the requirements for environmental safety of vehicles and practical implementation of European environmental standards for transport in Ukraine, reduction of energy dependence of Ukraine, etc.

In 2014 we took measures to find location for above mentioned centre and automobile polygon and sources of funding for their creation. Together with Kyiv Regional State Administration and State Administration of Vyshgorod district we decided to locate an automobile polygon on the outskirts of Kyiv.

In addition, we continued to work on the conceptual development of the project of buildings on the automobile polygon on the basis of the international experience and perspective standards for test methods of road motor vehicles.

The technical design for projection of buildings on Ukrainian automobile polygon, approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure was sent for review by the European automobile polygon engineering company IDIADA (Spain), where experts of design department highly appreciated it.

The company IDIADA gave forward estimate of certain items of Ukrainian automobile polygon and submitted proposals for the exercise of the relevant project works at a European level (in Ukraine there is no such experience and appropriate technology).

SE "DerzhavtotransNDIproekt" in 2014 presented this project several times to the representatives of European transport sector support organizations in the Ministry of infrastructure and to the representatives of international financial organizations and the European Commission to Ukraine in the Ministry of Economic Development. The project was highly appreciated in terms of importance of these problems for Ukraine, and its content. However, international financial organizations are not very interested in funding this project and other similar projects in Ukraine, because in fact they are not interested to give Ukraine access to modern technology, to support the development of national science and creation of competitive high-tech enterprises in Ukraine.

In the absence of funding and unresolved principle issue of the final location of this research centre containing automobile polygon, implementation of the project is suspended until a fundamental political solution is made at the national level to ensure its funding and a fundamental decision on the location of the object (at least providing certain guarantees securing land for the period of financing exploration, pre-work, etc.).