International passenger transportation
The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine puts the latest information on operating regular international automobile routes of public service. As of today, the Register of international bus routes of public service (hereinafter - the Register) is at completion stage and needs to be brought in line with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine of 20.05.2013 № 305.
The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine points out to carriers that the Register needs to be improved by them. If you find any inaccuracies or errors the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine asks carriers to report by phone: (044) 351-49-61.
Sample annexes of the Rules of regular, irregular and shuttle passenger transportation by road in international traffic to be submitted by the carriers along with the relevant materials to the Commission
Commission for consideration of carriers` applications and making decisions on opening, closing, changing the route, the extension of the permit for regular international road routes of public service (hereinafter - the Commission), the composition of which is approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine of 09.02.2004 № 75, registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 22.06.2004 under № 759/9358, faced systematic disregard of carriers to the requirements of the Procedure of the submission of documents for opening, closing, changing the route, the extension of the permit for regular international road routes of public service. In order to prevent further technical mistakes in executing annexes to the Rules the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine provides their filled samples.
It should be noted that the material submitted by carriers must be certified by the seal and signature of the carrier who assumes responsibility for the authenticity of information presented. The work of the Commission and its decision making depends on it.
The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine recommends carriers to consider highlighted examples of annexes to the Rules and asks them to follow the provisions of:
- Rules of regular, irregular and shuttle passenger transportation by road in international traffic;
- Law of Ukraine "On Automobile Transport";
- Rules of providing automobile passenger transport services;
- international agreements on international automobile communication concluded by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the governments of foreign countries;
- resolution of CMU "On approval of the list of settlements attributed to the resorts";
- European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR).
Sample annexes
For attention of carriers that submitted materials for consideration by the Commission on scheduled international road routes of public service
According to the requirements of the Rules of regular, irregular and shuttle passenger transportation by road in international traffic, approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine of 09.02.2004 № 75, registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 22.06.2004 under № 759/9358 (hereinafter – the Rules), Department of strategic development of road market and road transportation of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine prepared materials submitted by carriers/competent authorities of foreign countries for consideration by the Commission and relevant decision-making at the next meeting which was scheduled on 08.07.2015.
Such preparations include verification of compliance of submitted materials with set list and samples specified in the Procedure.
The Ministry of Infrastructure pays attention to this information details. If you have any remarks, feel free to call: 044 351 49 61.
Status of applications for passenger services