Mykolayiv City Council

Official portal

General information about air transport

General information about air transport

State regulation of activities in the field of aviation and use of airspace of Ukraine consists in formation of state policy and development strategy, determining tasks, functions, operational environment in the field of aviation, implementing aviation security measures, approving mandatory aviation regulations of Ukraine, execution of state control of their observation and allocation of responsibility for their violations.

In accordance with the Article 4 paragraph 5 of the Air Code of Ukraine, state regulation in the field of civil aviation and use of airspace of Ukraine is exercised within their authorities by:

  • central executive authority, which provides the formation of the state policy in the field of transport – Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
  • central executive authority that ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of civil aviation (the competent authority for civil aviation) – State Aviation Administration of Ukraine

The investigation of aviation accidents and incidents of civil aircraft of Ukraine and of foreign civil aircraft, facts of violation of use of airspace of Ukraine order relies on specialized expert agency for investigation of aviation accidents – National Bureau for Investigation of aviation accidents and incidents of civil aircraft.

Functions and tasks of the Ministry of Infrastructure in the field of civil aviation are determined by the Regulation on the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 12.05.2011 №581.


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